OCommPHOTOPTICS 2018 Abstracts

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 3

s-SNOM based Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Nanoscale Material Characterization


Philip Schaefer

Abstract: Scattering-type Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM) is a scanning probe approach for optical microscopy and spectroscopy bypassing the ubiquitous diffraction limit of light to realize a spatial resolution below 20 nanometers. s-SNOM exploits the strong wavelength-independent confinement of light at the apex of a laser-illuminated sharp metallic AFM tip to create a nanoscale optical hot-spot. Analyzing the scattered light from the tip apex enables the extraction of the optical properties (refractive index – that is reflectivity and absorption) of the sample directly below the tip and yields nanometer scale resolved optical images simultaneous to topography. Combining s-SNOM with Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (nano-FTIR) using broadband radiation from the far-infrared to the visible spectral range enables the realization of an ultra-sensitive tool for chemical identification on a nanometer scale which can be applied to a wide range of materials like polymers, biominerals, semiconductors and 2D materials. Adapted to the needs of the respective studies, hyperspectral imaging can be conducted by recording a full FTIR-spectrum in each scanned pixel of an image. It allows for instance the elucidation of clustering and localized chemical interactions of polymers in a three-component polymer blend. Furthermore, an in-situ nanoscale infrared analysis of individual keratin-embedded melanin granules in the cross section of a human hair can be shown. The combination of near-field microscopy with ultrafast pump-probe experiments constitutes a new valuable approach to solid-state physics where intriguing phenomena like surface plasmons polaritons or charge carrier relaxation dynamics are observed with a combined <200fs temporal and <20nm spatial resolution. Extending s-SNOM to nanometer scale ultra-broadband terahertz time-domain spectroscopy enables tracing the time-dependent dielectric function at the surface of a single photoexcited InAs nanowire in all three spatial dimensions and reveals the ultrafast (<50fs) formation of a local carrier depletion layer.

Paper Nr: 19

Optical Detection of Cancer Biomarkers in Human Breath


Mateusz Winkowski, Tadeusz Stacewicz, Maciej Gałązka, Jacek Wojtas, Zbigniew Bielecki and Sylwester Chojnowski

Abstract: Optical method for cancer detection (that is autor's Ph. D. studies goal) has been described. Laser absorption spectroscopy techniques have been listed and characterised. Several biomarker molecules absorption spectra (from HITRAN and NIST databases) have been shown and and discussed, showing posibilities for detecting cancers using air exhaled from the human lungs.

Area 1 - Software Agents and Internet Computing

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Portable Measurement Unit for NO2 Trace Gas Detection


Stefan Weigl, Peter Gaida, Thomas Rück and Rudolf Bierl

Abstract: A portable trace-gas detection unit for NO2 is presented. It is based on the photoacoustic effect, which was first observed by Graham Bell in 1880 (Bell, 1880). For signal generation amplitude modulation is used, which means that molecules are excited by a rectangular-modulated light source at a specific frequency. The locally induced temperature fluctuations create a periodic pressure wave whose frequency corresponds to the excitation frequency. The resulting sound signal is recorded with a microphone, the amplitude of which is directly related to the concentration of the excited gas component. The laser source installed in this demonstrator emits light at 450nm and has an optical power of approximately 1W at a current of 1A. A differential MEMS microphone as it is also applied in mobile phones is used as sound transducer. First measurements at the lab showed a limit of detection (LoD) of NO2 in dry synthetic air of 0.92 parts per billion (ppb) with a lock-in amplifier integration time of 20s.